Friday, August 26, 2005

Russian Abortions Outnumber Births: Congratulations to Progressives Worldwide

Convenience alone determines life or death for Russian Unborn

From Bloomberg:

Russians are having more abortions than births to avoid the cost of raising children, according to the country's highest-ranking obstetrician.

About 1.6 million women had a termination last year, a fifth of them under the age of 18, while about 1.5 million gave birth, said Vladimir Kulakov, vice president of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. ``Many more'' abortions weren't reported, Kulakov said in the government's official newspaper.

``The appearance of a first child pushes many families into poverty,'' Kulakov said today. ``Potential parents first try to start a career, stand on their feet and so forth.''

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the ensuing hyperinflation and economic contraction wiped out savings and incomes and discouraged couples from having children. Russians had about 23 percent more abortions than U.S. women in 2004, while the former communist country's population is half the size.

This despite 7% of Russian couples who are unable to have children. Notice the word "adoption" is never mentioned in this story - much like inside the euphemistically named women's "health" system in the US.

Also noticably absent from this candid assessment are the words
"rape," "incest," and "women's health."

Hat's off to the Left for a job well done. A very proud Communist legacy, indeed.

Update: More insights on this tragedy from MaryHunter.


Blogger BohemianLikeYOU said...

This comment placed here for the same purpose that a bartender puts a couple of his own dollars in the tip jar at the beginning of his shift. Comments beget comments.

8/26/2005 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I adore President Reagan! The finest president ever!

8/27/2005 01:18:00 AM  
Blogger BohemianLikeYOU said...

Thanks Maryhunter,

Blogroll at will - I've returned the favor!

8/27/2005 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abstinence - yea that works.

8/29/2005 12:34:00 PM  
Blogger BohemianLikeYOU said...

Abstinence will forever be mocked by societies that place convenience over human life.

Here's a little secret about the abstinence effort -- while it's not a panacea, *it can and does* keep kids in their early teens from making a human life they're not prepared to support.

Personally, I don't know if it's reasonable to expect late teens or young adults to abstain.

But by late teens, most kids know what Trojans are.

8/29/2005 08:44:00 PM  
Blogger BohemianLikeYOU said...

And another thing - it's startling even to jaded conservatives like me that the mainstream media is not running this story.

At least when I searched google news, not one major media outlet had it.

By the way, Reuters did post this story first....Reuters European desk that is.

"I used to be disgusted -- now I'm just amused" --E. Costello

8/29/2005 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Bohemian is making my point.

As I said, Abstinence does not work (the program of Abstinence conservatives are pushing over programs where kids get real sex education).

As mr. bohemian said "Here's a little secret about the abstinence effort -- while it's not a panacea, *it can and does* keep kids in their early teens from making a human life they're not prepared to support.

Personally, I don't know if it's reasonable to expect late teens or young adults to abstain."

Exactly my point -- early teens is one thing but they arn't the ones having sex in large numbers and having kids (or abortions) like late teens or young adults.

Progressives are not for abortions, you should know better. That's Mona Charen kind of talk.

"Lemme tell ya 'bout your blood bamboo kid./It ain't Coca-Cola it's rice." - Clash

8/30/2005 08:43:00 AM  

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