I Support the Troops, but not Their Mission
A generation raised on microwave dinners, no fault divorce, and abortion on demand lifts its head up from the trough, and complains we've been in Iraq too long.

I support my wife, but not the marriage.
I support my child, but not the parenting.
I support my friends, but not the friendship.
I support my job, but not the work.

I support my wife, but not the marriage.
I support my child, but not the parenting.
I support my friends, but not the friendship.
I support my job, but not the work.
guess you blame the Republicans and the majority of Americans against the war as being against the troops. who fucked up Walter Reed again with who's cronyism? Thanks, drive to the second window please.
Hello Again J-Sin!
Who's vs. Whose
*Who's* is a contraction of who is or, less commonly, who has.
*Who's watching TV?
*Do you know who's going to speak?
*Who's ready to go?
*Who's in the kitchen?
*Whose* is the possessive of who or, somewhat controversially, which.
*Whose book is this?
*Do you know whose car this is?
*I know a man whose car is fly.
I believe you need to check out this link.
Oh come on - this nitwit doesn't even present his own space on the blogger network, yet presumes to post something about avoidance?
Illiterate online liberal moonbats is triply redundant.
So... let me get this straight...
There is a direct correlation between going to war for oil... and parenting a child?
Well, they do say that jesus could turn water into wine...
Why not oil into babies?
When we leave Iraq has a stable democracy in a couple of years. The Iraq war will go down has one of the greatest accomplishments in American history. It was a rough start, but it looks like we will win this war. USA! USA! USA!
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