'Walk the Line' Re-write Features Bi-Curious Johnny Cash; Earns 9 Oscar Nominations

Cross the Line, now a musical, is expected to make back much of the money lost on the 2005 hetero-centric flop, Walk the Line. Critics railed against the tedious and close-minded nature of Johnny Cash's relationship with June Carter present throughout much of the film.
"All we had to do was hire the cast of Brokeback Mountain and give Joaquin Phoenix a rainbow guitar strap and heck, we were halfway there," says a relieved producer.
The strap:

Director James Mangold apologized for making the Cash biography so exclusive originally. "This rewrite has helped me to recognize the precarious nature of my heterosexuality. I mean, we're all just one night in a pup tent with a friend away from going gay. It's magical."
"Mangold has taken a tired, anemic 'love story' and performed alchemy with this fresh, groundbreaking triumph," proclaimed Times film critic Clarke Needleman today before a pre-screening of the re-written movie.
"I'm sure I'll love it," he added.